Friday 10 April 2015

Mend/Amend: Green Skirt

I bought this skirt several years ago, in the sale at Warehouse. I used to wear it quite a lot, as I loved both the colour and cut. It's quite unusual, in that it's basically a gypsy skirt, but split into panels with slits. Many boyfriend-points were won for the slits...

It is made of quite a thing, satin-y polyester, which floats really nicely as you walk (especially up and down stairs). Unfortunately, this material was struggling to take the strain on the seams, and the material was almost tearing. This shot is from after it was lined, but you can see through the top fabric to the back one.

In order to keep wearing it, I would need to line it. I had a jersey cotton green miniskirt which I no longer wore, so I cut the elasticated bit off of that, so I could use the rest as a lining.

I pinned and hand-stitched the jersey under the overlocked inside edge of the main waistband. The skirt has multiple vertical pleats, with overstitched edges. I used the sewing machine to sew over the top of these pleats, to better attach the lining all the way round.

From the inside, the lining now forms a second-layer of skirt.

But from the outside, it's invisible!

Now a quick press, and it's ready for summer - I hope the British weather agrees...