Saturday, 30 August 2014

Mend: Buttons & Holes

I've had a bit of a mending sesh today, to try to clear a few items from my to-do basket.

Button 1 was a decorative button on the back of a pair of shorts. This was a flat button with four holes and didn't need to be sewn on particularly well, as it doesn't hold anything down and isn't functional.

Button 2 was on a pair of chinos, at the top of the fly. This one needed to be sewn on very firmly, as not only is it only a two-hole button, but it is also a functional button. The method I use is to double up the thread, sew several loops to attach the button, knot it off, then sew several more loops, before tying it off finally.

Button 3 is a covered shank button, meaning it is covered in fabric that matches the dress it is part of and has a small protrusion on the back with a hole through to attach it to the fabric. When these come off, they often tear the fabric of the dress, meaning you have to repair the rip as well as reattaching the button.

My final repair was a small hole in the skirt of a chiffon-esque dress. This was a tough one, trying to sew up a hole without pulling the delicate fabric into a single point. I'm not sure how obvious this will be when I put the dress on - I'll just have to test it later!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Update: Tetris Blanket

I've been planning the border for my Tetris blanket. I'm thinking of something along the lines of this intricate sketch...

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Update: Tetris Blanket

Today is an epic Tetris day, because...


That means I have crocheted a total of 112 rainbow-coloured squares. I have also done 27 black squares, meaning I now have (only) 21 black squares to make to finish the required number for the final blanket.

To give an idea if scale, that means I have to crochet up this entire ball of wool. Sounds simple? This one ball is 295m long. That is almost three quarters of the way around a running track!

As Captain Oates (no, not the horse from The OC, this one) said, I may be some time...

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Update: Tetris Blanket

I've been put off my feet for a few weeks, as I've had an operation on my leg. I have to keep it elevated and resting, which means lots of time on the sofa!

I thought it would a good time for a Tetris blanket update! I have officially completed row #12 of the 16-row blanket plan, so it's 75% complete!

I'd like to start crocheting these together soon...

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Finished: Holiday Cross-Stitch

I've not been very well this week, which has made me very fed-up and miserable. However, it has at least given me extra time to work on the holiday cross-stitch... And so it's now finished!

After finishing all the stitching, I washed it in lukewarm water & fairy liquid, then dried it flat in the airing cupboard overnight. Once dry, I put it stitching-side down on a towel and ironed it on a medium heat, to remove any creases.

Et voila!

The original pattern had the word "Welcome" written across it, but it changed this to "la plage" meaning "the beach" in French, as I did a lot of the final stitching in St Jean de Luz on the French Atlantic coast. Also, I always initial my finished cross-stitch pieces, hence the SEG in the bottom left corner.

Now I just need to find a suitable frame for it, and then find it a home on the bathroom wall!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Update: Holiday Cross-Stitch

It is officially the end of my holiday, boooo... But with it, I have finished the cross-stitch section of my holiday piece!!

Only the backstitch outlining and French knots to go...

Friday, 8 August 2014

Make: Holiday Cross-Stitch

This week I have been on holiday in the south of France, enjoying a week off work and some much-needed sunshine. The week has comprised a few days at a villa and swimming pool, then some hiking days in the Pyrenees and now I'm in a (thankfully air-conditioned) hotel by the beach in St Jean de Luz.

Holiday creativity is always an interesting challenge, in that you have to decide in advance what kind of "creative" you will want to be... And then pack it into a suitcase.

I decided to crack out a small(ish) cross-stitch that I've taken when travelling in the past that has three primary-coloured beach huts.

I can't remember when exactly I started it, but I'll see how far I can get. It is a combination of full and half cross-stitch, backstitch and (appropriately) French knots stitched onto a woven fabric called Aida. The fabric tends to unravel around the edge as you sew, so I've sewn a border around mine.

I chose not to use an embroidery hoop, because I find them cumbersome to sew with - however, shout-out to fellow pool-side cross-stitcher Jo, who does use one!

As an aside... Metal 4mm crochet hook. Okay to take into the cabin of an aeroplane? It's similar to a regular biro, in terms of being "dangerous" on a plane. In fear of having it confiscated, I put mine in the hold. How would I Tetris without it?!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Update: Tetris Blanket

A milestone has been reached in the Tetris blanket - row #10 is complete! This means that from now on, the blanket will grow longer-than-it-is-wide with each additional row!

It's also meant I've needed to buy more of the grey edging yarn. The yarn I'm using is very inexpensive stuff - Stylecraft Special DK, which comes in about 50 different colours and generally costs under £2 per 100g. The balls I have bought for this blanket have come from...

Wool Warehouse -
Deramores -
...and eBay.