The first was on a green gypsy skirt, where the top of the side zip would be scratchy & irritate my hip. It needed something to cover the top of the zip. I opted for some ribbon, mounted on the inside and sewn through only one layer, so the stitches don't show on the outside.
Of course, this has to be detachable, to allow the skirt to go on and off. I used a popper for this.
Worth noting is that ribbon like this will fray at the end when cut. My preferred technique for this is to hold it near (but not in) the flame of a candle, till the end curls up and goes black right along the edge. For this to work, I think it has to be manmade fibres, ie. not cotton or silk. I don't know the science!
The next fix was on a dress with a zip up the middle of the back. I had previously put a hook and eye at the top of this zip, as an additional fastening.
However, on wearing it, I realised I must've sewn it on the wrong way, as it was almost impossible to do up myself. I'd end up looking like I was doing some kind of contortionist yoga trick*. To avoid this, I turned the hook around! We'll see next time I wear it if I got it right this time...
*Disclaimer: I have never done yoga, so have no idea what "tricks" or positions actually look like.