Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Amend: Vest Top Straps

I have a vest top that has ridiculously long straps. This is a really quick Anend, but despite that, the top has been sitting in my sewing box for about four years!

First, I unpicked one of the straps from the back of the main top.

Then I measured 2.5 inches from the end, which was how much I needed to shorten it by. I cut these spare inches off.

I then used white thread to sew the newly shortened straps back on to where they had originally been attached.

Repeat this process with the second  strap et voilĂ !

Friday, 5 August 2016

Make: Aldershot Booties

Earlier this year, I made a whole rainbow of baby booties for a charity sale at work. It seems my handiwork did not go unappreciated, as I had a request for some baby a football strip!

It turns out that while "big shots" like Arsenal may already provide appropriate-coloured clothing for their smaller supporters, the epic* Aldershot Town FC do not yet cater for their discerning newborn supporters.

Well... Time to address this!

Too cute!

*this according to my dad - I know less about UK football teams than I do about tidal patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area...