Monday, 28 March 2016

Amend: Leopard Dress

I've had this Warehouse dress for a few years and I really love the fit of the bodice, skirt length and shape. (Excuse the iPad-face, my phone is currently on the blink, so this was my only option!)
However recently, I've felt the fit on the sleeves has been feeling uncomfortably tight. I decided it was about time to sort them out!
I decided that precision... Is over-rated, so after vaguely working out what length I wanted the sleeves to be, I grabbed a pair of scissors and hacked away.

As usual, I went to some lengths to avoid tacking. I ironed over the end of each sleeve to neaten it up, and pinned it in place.

I wanted a very narrow hem, so the first round I did was a small zigzag around the hem. I then trimmed the excess on the inside as close to the stitches as possible.

Next up, I folded the zigzag section again, and sewed this down using straight stitch, to finalise the hem. I even changed thread colour halfway round, to blend it in with the black stripe.

The other amendment I wanted to make was to add some extra weight to the hem. I was hoping this would help counteract gusting tube winds. I chose to sew this on by hand, so it wouldn't be visible on the outside - not a decision to take lightly, with a 3m hem, requiring two lines of tiny hand stitches...

Needless to say, I persisted with the hand-sewing and (many hours later!) and am very pleased with the end result, for both the sleeves and the hem.


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