Monday 13 October 2014

Make: Fingerless Gauntlets

Giving these gloves the name "gauntlets" makes them sound very military - however, I'd challenge any uniform to sit comfortably next to this much rainbow colour (except perhaps the Colour Guard, MEGALOLZ no?)

I started making these in April when we were skiing in the Alps, but have only just gotten round to finishing them. I blame Tetris. They are crocheted using a 4mm hook and some amazingly bright rainbow yarn that I've lost the label for. 

I hate wearing normal gloves, as they make my hands feel super clumsy. I doesn't help that I am, even bare-handed, quite clumsy already. So I always opt for fingerless ones when I can. Hopefully the gauntlet sleeves will also help keep the draught from getting to my wrists.

I have also taken this rainbow opportunity to use a few beads that I've had lying around for YEARS. I think I got them free with Mizz magazine when I was about 12...

Finished just in time, judging by the awful weather outside!

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