Monday 9 February 2015

Mend Weekend

I've been working on a medium-term project for a while, which I'll update on next week. But this weekend, I also finally got round to mending a few things that have been needing a bit of TLC.

My combat trousers that I fixed in November were in need of a bit more attention, though less serious this time in that it was just the button that had come off. It's an odd button, as it attaches on with a wide band, rather than with holes for thread.

I'd fixed it before with some green ribbon, which hadn't lasted too long. So this time, I triple reinforced it...

Then there were my fluffy slippers, bought from Accessorize only in September. The pom-poms on one side had come off, so I used some yarn and a darning needle to do a swift repair.

All while sitting on the floor in the spare room, exercising our fat little guinea piglets... It's not much, but it's a start!

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