Tuesday 28 July 2015

Make: Africa Painting

Years ago, I got a paint-by-numbers from Lidl. I started it way-back-when, but must have put it away before it was finished. I found it when we moved house last month and decided I should finish it off.

The pack came with 12 coloured paints, two brushes and three printed base pieces. I've never been great at painting, but paint-by-numbers couldn't be too difficult, right? That said, this one was slightly more complicated, as it involved combinations of colours, e.g. 8 + 9 + 10.
I ended up needing to mix a LOT of different orangey-red shades, which did get a bit confusing... It was quite challenging getting the shadows just right, despite the numbered areas.
But I'm pretty pleased with the final result!

Perhaps Toto could almost hear the drums echoing across the Serengeti?

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